An Evaluation of Top Notch Fundamentals B: A Four Phase Study
Textbooks play an important role in educational contexts especially in EFL contexts their role are more highlighted. Textbook evaluation in any type, predictive or retrospective, is a necessary part of curriculum design and in this sense is a worthwhile means of conducting research. Recently, Top Notch series have become widely used in Iranian English Institutes and in high schools and pre-university schools. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate Top Notch Fundamentals B based on first, authors’ objectives, and second, the cultural content of the book based on the framework proposed by Ferit Kilickaya (2004). Thirdly, the universal characteristics of EFL materials proposed by Ansari and Babaii was used to see to what extent the book matches those characteristics. The amount and type(s) of technological use was also examined. The strengths and some drawbacks of the book for EFL setting use were also mentioned in the study. The findings would be beneficial for teachers and material developers in EFL contexts.
Keywords: Material, material evaluation, Top Notch Fundamentals B, Ferit Kilickaya framework, Ansari and Babaii framework, technological use, authors’ claims
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