The Acquisition of Phrasal Verbs through Cognitive Linguistic Approach: The Case of Iranian EFL Learners
Cognitive Linguistics has been applied in SLA in order improve the learning/acquisition process of foreign/second language. This quasi-experimental study was conducted to find the impact of the Cognitive Linguistics on learning/ acquiring the Phrasal Verbs among EFL learners at intermediate level. In this study the orientational metaphors were chosen because of their most- frequent usages. These particles were taught through Cognitive Linguistics for the experimental group and the results of the treatment were analyzed by the independent-samples t test. The findings showed that through Cognitive Linguistics the acquisition of Phrasal Verbs were facilitated both in the exposed and unexposed ones. The results showed the positive effect of the Cognitive Linguistics. And finally this paper proposes some pedagogical implications for further study so as to crystalize the other features by means of Cognitive Linguistics.
Keywords: Cognitive Linguistics, phrasal verbs, metaphors, prototype theory, particles
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