Development and Validation of a Materials Preparation Model from the Perspective of Transformative Pedagogy
This study is a report on the design, development, and validation of a model within the main tenets of critical pedagogy (CP) with a hope to implement in education in general and applied linguistics in particular. To develop a transformative L2 materials preparation (TLMP) model, the researchers drew on Crawford’s (1978) principles of CP as a springboard. These principles provide the theoretical framework of the ELT program in general, but they need to be adapted to the specific features of L2 materials development. To this end, Nation and Macalister’s (2010) model of materials development were utilized to base different aspects of materials preparation. The newly developed model has driven 22 principles which was validated through a stepwise process. It was administered among 110 participants in 15 cities of Iran. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed. The results indicated a high level of internal consistency and satisfactory construct validity. The TLMP model could be conducive for language policy makers, ELT professionals, materials and curriculum developers.
Keywords: Critical pedagogy, materials development, transformative model, ELT community, development, validation
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