Teacher Evaluation as a Tool for Professional Development: A Case of Saudi Arabia
This study reports on the use of teacher evaluation and appraisal process as a tool for professional development. A group of 30 teachers from seven different nationalities with diverse qualifications and teaching experiences participated in this case study at the English Language Institute (ELI) at King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Saudi Arabia. All participants were given two surveys (one online and the other paper-based) including several statements based on a Likert scale in order to investigate the extent to which they were aware of the teacher observation and evaluation processes at their institution. The level of student achievement was also considered as an integral component of the teacher evaluation as well as evidence for the teacher performance. Analysis of the data indicated that the participants held different opinions on the current evaluation and appraisal process at ELI. The teachers also expressed their viewpoints on the student success and failure as the key indicators of the teacher performance level.
Keywords: Professional development; Teacher evaluation; Teacher effectiveness; Saudi Arabia
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