A Postcolonial Survey of “A House for Mr. Biswas” by V. S. Naipaul
The present study tries to apply the postcolonial approach to V.S. Naipaul's A House for Mr. Biswas. It has been tried to investigate what happens to the people of other nations immigrating to a creole society.In this novel by Naipaul, the writer draws our attention to the characters who are immigrant Indian people spending their lives in the creole society of Trinidad under the dominance of colonial power. By studying the three generations of Indian in this novel we can observe how the characters of the novel change their identity, religion, education, customs, etc. as a result of living in the creole society. It is seen that as the generation changes the belief of the characters on their original culture fades away and they merge into the colonial power. The characters in the novel, when encountering the colonizer's culture, change their identity and become who they want them to be. Moreover, during the course of the novel, the characters find ambivalent personality as a result of experiencing unhomliness in the society of mixed cultures. This ambivalence makes them have a double consciousness, to be attracted toward the colonizer's culture and at the same time repulsed from it.
Keywords: Ambivalence, Creolization, identity, language
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