A Narratological Study and Analysis of: The Concept of Time in William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

Moussa Ahmadian, Leyli Jorfi


This study is primarily concenrned with applying Genette’s narratological framework of time to the study of William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily. This study aims to provide insights about the time shift processes in this short story. Moreover, since time is a component of narratology, this study will be concerned with discussions about ‘narratology’ and ‘narrative’, too. The study falls into two parts. The first section is allocated to the theoretical concepts of ‘narratology’, ‘narrative’, and ‘time’: ‘Narratology’ which is the study of narrative structures, includes many elements such as mood, voice, narration, as well as time (which is the focus of this study). ‘Narrative’ is the product of narration and it is what narratologists study and analyze. Furthermore, ‘time’-the main focus of this paper-will be elaborated on and then identified in A Rose for Emily based on Genette’s two fundamental dichotomies of ‘story time’ and ‘discourse time’. These theoretical discussions are taken into consideration while analysis of A Rose for Emily. The second section, will be devoted to the analysis of time using Genette’s model on Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily. For this aim, Genette’s concept of time which is classified into categories of order, duration, and frequency as well as their subcategories (which are already explained in the first section), will be identified and the shifts that have occurred will be determined.

Keywords: narratology, narrative, time shift, Genette’s model, A Rose for Emily

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