Polymorphous Narrative of Gothic Tradition in Linguistic Perspective: Comparing Fiction and Opera Libretto
This article is dedicated to revealing linguistic means that realise the event in the gothic narrative – H. James's novella "The Turn of the Screw" and the opera libretto of the same name. The event is treated as a situational change of states and presupposes that the real and the unknown should meet. This meeting runs through the whole narrative. The event is ideal and abstract; it shows itself in concrete manifestations – incidents. Discerning the event is possible by analysing linguistic signals of its manifestations – traces. In both the novella and libretto (though varying in structural peculiarities of the event) the most vivid and noticeable trace is expressed by such a neutral word as bad; every appearance of this word in both texts "turns the screw" tighter; it is a common keyword sustaining the original story flavour. As a linguistic sign the word bad is analysed from perspectives of different characters.
Keywords: narrative, Gothic tradition, event, trace, refracting point, transubstantiation space
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