On the Phonetic Consonance in Quranic Verses-Final Fawāṣil
The present research aims to discuss the phonological patterns in Quranic verse-final pauses (fawāṣil) in order to provide an insight into the phonetic network governing the symmetrical and the asymmetrical pauses (fawāṣil) in terms of concordance (al-nasaq al-ṣawti). The data are collected from different parts of the Quran and are investigated with focus on three major phonetic criteria: the phonetic features of the fawāṣil, the fāṣilah shift from the surrounding fawāṣil, and the semantically-oriented sounds. The discussion concludes that the Quranic fawāṣil are either completely symmetrical in the fāṣilah-final syllables, semi-symmetrical in the fāṣilah final syllables. It also reveals that some fawāṣil share the same foot (taf'ilah) and rhythm (al-iqā'), while others have different foot and rhythm, but they are similar in some sounds. Other fawāṣil are similar in the foot but different in sounds, while others are similar in the last two sounds. The last category is when the Surah ends with a different fāṣilah from all the previous fawāṣil. The analysis also reveals that the fawāṣil are semantically-oriented in the sense that they are not only concerned with ornamentation and undulation of the sounds but they also convey deep meanings which move the hearer to listen carefully and to abide by the Quranic teachings.
Keywords: taf'ilah, fawāṣil, cluster, consonance, Quranic, phonetic
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