The Effect of Teacher's Assistance on Malaysian Rural L Writing Self-efficacy: A Case Study

Ilyana Jalaluddin, Melor Md. Yunus, Hamidah Yamat


The purpose of the study is to explore the Malaysian rural learners self-efficacy in writing after assistance given by a teacher. The social cognitive theory aid socio-cultural theory are used as the theoretical framework to pursue the discussion on the effects of teacher’s assistance on learners writing self-efficacy. A case study approach is adopted where three learners and a teacher were chosen from a form four class through purposive sampling. Learnei-s’ Titing self-efficacy is evaluated using a writing self-efficacy scale adapted from Bottomley. Henk and Melnick (1998) and also classroom observation. Wang and Pape (2007) categories were used as guidelines to analyze observation data in order to understand the participants self-efficacy phenomena in their learning to write. Overall, this study places a heavy emphasis on the perceptions and actions of the selected form four learners and teacher through non-participant classroom observations, interviews with each learner and teacher.

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Advances in Language and Literary Studies

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