Do Single Middle-Aged Individuals Show Superior on Lower Extremity Function Compared to Married Counterparts? A Study on Early Health and Skills Indicators for Pre-frail Elderly

Rizki Mulyawan, Panggung Sutapa, Prijo Sudibjo, Rini Syafriani, Bekir Erhan Orhan, Gunathevan Elumalai


Background: Elderly individuals who understand the physiological changes associated with aging, such as decreased muscle mass, reduced bone density, and altered metabolic rates, will likely be more attuned to their personal needs. The pre-elderly group’s susceptibility to depression stems from the sensitivity of health-related fitness components to individuals who are widowed and living alone, as well as those who lack socioeconomic resources and have poor health. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to compare the fitness components of pre-elderly groups who are getting close to their golden years living alone without partner, with those of elderly people who still have partners so that they can collaborate to survive together even though their children live in different places. Methods: This study is a one-shot case study that is part of a pre-experimental study designed to identify the elements that cause a decline or increase in the number of elderly widows and individuals who are still living in couples as a result of their daily workout habits. Using aerobic endurance instruments (2-minute step test), muscular strength and endurance (30-second arm curl and 30-second chair stand tests), flexibility (back stretch and chair sit-and-reach tests), and balance ability (8-foot up-and-go tests and one-leg stance with eyes open tests), this study measures cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, balance, and body composition. In the meantime, a flexible metal tape measure and a skin-marking pen were employed to measure the circumference of the thighs and waist. The first step in data analysis was a normality test. Following that, the results of an ANOVA calculation were compared to determine how fit pre-elderly individuals who were still living with their partners were compared to those who lived alone as pre-elderly. Results: As demonstrated by the low capacity of the lower extremities in the pre-elderly group that still has partners, pre-elderly individuals who live alone due to the divorce or death of their partners are stronger (0.015 < 0.05), in terms of health and skills related fitness components in the pre-elderly group. With the exception of people with the highest educational background, differences in educational background have no bearing on one’s capacity and inclination to move. Conclusion: The pre-elderly who live with spouses, according to the data currently available, is not prepared to deal with becoming a senior. Aging can lead to decreased health and function, although physical activity can prevent and treat frailty. Strength training is often recommended for seniors in order to improve functional autonomy and quality of life. Seniors’ physiological health depends on several factors, including living with a partner or alone. The recent study shows that older people living alone are stronger in physical fitness health areas. When engaging with pre-elderly groups, the primary goals of all trainers are to control the movement habits of the elderly and increase the emphasis of training on strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance in order to better equip them for living in their senior years. Additional research suggestions focus on longitudinal surveillance of pre-elderly active activity over five to ten years to prepare their motor component abilities for longevity.


Pre-elderly, Pre-frail Elderly, Widow, Elder With Spouse, Fitness Components, Health-related, Skills-related

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