New Training Method Approach On Perception-Awareness To Improve Sport Performance On Volleyball Athletes

Tiziana D’Isanto, Arben Karçurri, Agron Kasa, Guseppe Di Lascio, Francesca D’Elia


Background: Jumping ability in volleyball is a key determinant of athletic performance. While different studies focus on methods to enhance vertical jump, few address athletes’ perception and awareness in conjunction with performance metrics. Objective: This study introduces an innovative quanti-qualitative approach, termed the perception-awareness model, to assess and enhance both physical performance and cognitive engagement in volleyball jump training. Methodology: Twelve young female volleyball players participated in a two-month plyometric training protocol. This quantitative and qualitative study, where the qualitative part is understood as qualitative-quantitative because the qualitative measurements can be quantified, aims to assess vertical jump performance through the Vertec test, administered at 3 times: before, during and after training. Concurrently, perception and awareness were assessed through a custom 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. Statistical analyses included repeated measures ANOVA and Wilcoxon tests, followed by a post hoc for multiple comparisons. Results: The results showed significant performance improvements between Pre and Mid (p = 0.0115) and Pre and Post (p = 0.0196) plyometrics training protocol. Questionnaire data revealed progressive increases in athletes’ self-reported perception and awareness, with significant gains across all comparisons (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Data underscore the effectiveness of integrating perception-awareness assessments with traditional performance metrics evaluation. This model demonstrates a novel linkage between enhanced perceptual-cognitive insights and measurable improvements in vertical jump performance, highlighting its potential as a comprehensive framework for athlete development.


Surveys and Questionnaires, Plyometric Exercise, Vertical Jump, Vertec Device, Sports Performance, Athletic Training

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