The Efficiency of Thai Rhythm Calisthenics Movement on Salivary Alpha-Amylase and Health Performance in the Elderly

Yanyong Phanpheng, Warayot Laha


Background: Regular physical activity reduces emotional stress that represents long-term enzyme alpha-amylase values in daily life in the elderly. Objective: This study examined the efficiency of Thai rhythm calisthenics movement on Salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) and health performance in 70 elderly people, aged 60 - 75 years old. Methods: This research is a quasi-experimental research design with two group pre-test/post-test design; Thai rhythm calisthenics movement (TCM) and brisk walking exercise (BWE). The training was undertaken three times a week over 12 weeks, 45 minutes each session, 60 - 80% of MHR for each training activity. Both groups were tested for the sAA and health performance variables composed of Physiological, Balance and Mobility assessed using standardized tests including Functional reach test (FRT), Timed up and go test, (TUG), Chair stand test (CST) and Arm curl test (ACT) for 30 seconds, 6-minute walk test (6WT). Results: The sAA in both groups increased in the initial stages of exercise and was likely to decrease after the follow up period (p ≤ .05). At the end of 12 weeks, TCM decreased rapidly in the sAA level (p ≤ .05). Moreover, physiological variables including HR, SBP decreased while VO2max increased higher than the pre-test (p ≤ .05). In addition, testing FRT showed better scores for those in TCM compared to the BWE (p ≤ .001). Also faster movement took shorter time score in the TUG after training (p ≤ .05). 6WT, CST had a higher performance in both experimental groups (p ≤ .05). Conclusion: This study showed that TCM can improve mental health and enhance balance and mobility among the elderly. Additionally, it helps prevent decline as well as related fall risk.


Physical Activity, Balance, Mobility, Physiological, Mental Health

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