Lower limb compression garments do not influence dynamic and static balance performance in young males

Nathan J Washington, Peter J Clothier, Clare MacMahon, Kurt Mudie, Kenneth S Graham, Kylie A Steel


Background: Some studies show that wearing compression garments (CGs) improves balance performance. However, the overall evidence supporting their use for balance improvement is inconclusive. Objective: This study aimed to further explore the effect of CGs on balance. Method: Using a cross sectional within subjects repeated measures design fourteen participants (27 ± 3 years) completed three trials for each of four balance tests, under three conditions: compression garment, no garment, and sham. Subjective performance and garment rating scores were also collected following each test condition. A repeated-measures analysis of variance was performed to compare derived variables between conditions for each balance test. Results: No significant differences were found across conditions or tests for either balance performance or subjective measures. Conclusions: This study demonstrated CGs did not influence dynamic or static balance performance in healthy young males. Further, in contrast to other research this study did not demonstrate an effect of compression garments on dynamic or static balance in healthy young males. However, it remains that CGs may provide benefit in other populations including those with balance and movement deficit disorders.


Clothing; Motor Control; Motor Learning; Postural Balance; Proprioception; Stability

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