What is Movement?
On the basis of their corporeity humans are not only beings of distance but also the beings of proximity, rooted beings, not only inner worldly but also beings in the world (Patocka, 1998)
Over the centuries the dialectical confluence of metaphysics and epistemology has been at the forefront in the attempt to define the concept of what it is to be human and ultimately human existence. The union of several aspects conceived from these two opposite elements has been responsible for the genesis of numerous philosophical terms and ideas such as: rationalism, materialism, socialism and idealism. Although these terms reference something different, what is primarily at the core has been the endeavour to analyse and demonstrate that it is through man’s relationship with nature that one garners the understanding of self. Human consciousness in conjunction with a spatio-temporal perception, defined as movement through the time-space continuum, creates the condition where the possibility of defining the essence of existence may blossom. In this commentary, an effort is made to present movement, specifically its relationship to the “body” as the physical construct for the meaning of self.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijkss.v.7n.1p.9
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