Effect of Pedagogical Model on Indian and Malaysian Junior Hockey Players’ Decision Making and Skill Execution
Background: This paper reports comparison of two studies investigated across Malaysia and India using merged pedagogical model (combination Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) with Tactical Game model (TGM)) termed as Tactical Model (TM) was compared to a semi traditional model termed as Skill Drill Technical (SDT). Objective: The objectives of these two studies were to investigate the effect of these two pedagogical models across two countries using mini-games of 5 versus 5, examining: decision-making and skill execution game situations among junior hockey players in coaching context. Methodology: These two quasi experimental studies comprised of Indian and Malaysian junior elite hockey players age 14±3 years old whereby n =30 players in each country was randomly selected and assigned equally to an quasi experimental group (TM, n= 15), and to SDT group (n=15) players. Result: Results for decision-making on whether to dribble, pass, tackle and score significant improvement using TM (6.93±6.58) compared to SDT (2.42±3.01), among Indian junior hockey players, F(2,28) =5.84, p<0.05 after intervention. Similar results observed among the Malaysian players too whereby posttest score revealed TM (3.28±.311) while SDT (2.96±4.61). Whereas skill execution result for dribbling, passing, tackling and scoring indicated a significant improvement among Indian hockey players, F (1,28) = 10.00, p <0.05 via TM (4.62±2.16); compared to with SDT (1.70±1.43). In contrast indicated, TM recorded no significant improvement compared to SDT after intervention F(1,28) = 1.64, p>0.05 among Malaysian players. Conclusion: TM seems to be suitable pedagogical model, however further research should address other parameter of game play in particular the relationship between agility and decision making of hockey game play, and coaches perception, understanding and usage of TM across other Asian countries
Keywords: Tactical model, Teaching Game for Understanding, Tactical Game Model, decision-making, skill execution
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