Endothelin-1 and Exercise Intensity in Sedentary Adolescents with Obesity
Inactivity combined with obesity during adolescence increases the risk of future cardiovascular disease. The study purpose was to compare the influence of differing intensities of exercise on endothelial function in sedentary adolescents with obesity. Participants were randomized to one of two groups in a 6-week exercise intervention: moderate intensity (MOD) or high intensity interval exercise (HIIE). Endothelial function was assessed pre- and post-intervention via fasted serum levels of endothelin-1 (ET-1). Pre-measures of ET-1 concentrations were elevated at baseline. No significant differences in ET-1 were found between or within exercise groups. However, in the HIIE group, ET-1 was inversely associated with percentages of age predicted maximal heart rate achieved during the intervention (p=0.035, r=-0.567). The exercise interventions did not positively change ET-1 levels, yet participants who exercised at higher intensities in the HIIE group experienced greater decreases in ET-1.
Keywords: childhood obesity, endothelial function, high intensity interval exercise
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