Coccygectomy: Is it Necessary for Coccydynia? About a Case and Review of the Literature

Youness Mokhchani, Abderrafia Rachdi, Abdelhay Rabbah, Jalal Boukhriss, Bouchaib Chafry, Mustapha Boussouga


Coccydynia is localized pain in the coccyx, exacerbated when sitting and getting up. The diagnosis is essentially clinical, the interrogation must always seek the notion of trauma in the history. Digital rectal examination is painful when mobilizing the coccyx. Standard X-rays, dynamic X-rays, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are quite important for both positive diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Therapeutic management is multidisciplinary, starting with hygiene measures, medical treatment and manipulation and massage techniques. Coccygectomy is proposed after failure of conservative treatments. Its results are generally good. Its main complication is infection.


Coccydynia, Coccygectomy, Infiltration, Dynamic radiographs

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