Facial Soft Tissue Thickness in North-West of Iran
Introduction: To obtain correct facial reconstruction of human skull it is necessary to know the average facial soft tissue thickness of specific sites of the face. This requires establishing a database of soft tissue thickness related to ethnicity, weight and height. The present study determined the facial soft tissue thickness in the different landmark points on the CBCT images of patients.
Materials and methods: In this study, the CBCT images of 250 patients were observed and facial soft tissue thickness (FSTT) was measured in 14 anatomical land marks. After scan, height and weight of the patients were collected and BMI was calculated. Patients were divided into three groups of low, normal and high BMI. FSTT was compared with BMI.
Results: In some land marks, significant differences were found between underweight, normal and overweight patients. In the most cases, facial soft tissue thickness increased with increased BMI. Only inferior malar point thickness decreased by increasing BMI.
Conclusion: These data can be used for facial reconstruction purposes in Iranian population; however, slight differences between studied population and other subgroup races must be considered for the accurate reconstruction.
Key words: Soft tissue thickness; Facial reconstruction; Cone Beam Computed Tomography
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