Rehabilitation Treatment In Dysarthria Caused By Stroke (Review)

Parvane Rahimifar, Majid Soltani, Negin Moradi


Speech is a unique, complex, dynamic motor activity through which we express thoughts and emotions and respond to and control our environment. Speech damaged due to neurological damage such as stroke. As a consequence of the associated neurological damage, stroke, approximately 20–30% of this population experience weakness, in-coordination or paralysis of the muscles required to produce speech, known as dysarthria. unfortunately dysarthria in stroke tends not to receive specific attention in published texts and reports, despite its frequency. while the speech is among the most powerful tools in communication and speech problems lead to defects in quality of life, So  We  investigated Dysarthria rehabilitation in stroke patients.

The Results showed that, the speech-language Pathologists (SLPs) are the professionals normally responsible for dysarthria intervention. Their interventions for individuals with dysarthria depend on the type and nature of the dysarthria, the underlying neuropathology, and the specific communication needs of the individual. SLPs interventions include behavioral or traditional therapy techniques and   instrumental techniques, that can be improve speech, communication and quality of lifes.








Dysarthria, Speech disorder, Rehabilitation , Stroke

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Advances in Bioscience and Clinical Medicine