The Ability of Streptomyces spp. Isolated from Iranian Soil to Solubilize Rock Phosphate
Many agricultural soils are deficient in plant available phosphate and hence not able to sustain optimal crop productivity. The problem is due to the ability of many soils to fix phosphate in a wide range of soil pH and ecological conditions. There is a need to search for more environmental friendly alternatives to improve soil fertility and crop production in phosphate deficient soil. The aim of this study was to isolate, screen, and characterize phosphate solubilizing actinomycetes found in different types of soil with varied pH from various sites in Iran. Phosphate solubilizing ability of the actinomycetes was evaluated both on modified Pikovskaya's (PVK) agar and into broth media containing Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP). The abilities of each isolate to solubilize phosphorus was evaluated from day 1 to day 14 after inoculation. Streptomyces spp. were identified morphologically under scanning electron microscope (SEM). About 31% (22/70) isolates of actinomycetes were found to have the ability to solubilize (CIRP). Isolates IA15 and IA31 showed high solubilizing index (SI) on agar medium whereas isolates IA61, IA59, IA38, IA35, and IA31 were determined to have high CIRP solubilizing ability in broth medium. Isolates IA11, IA31, IA10, and IA61 had high pH decrease in broth medium after 14 days of inoculation. A gradual decrease in pH was observed over a 14 day period of incubation, suggesting a slow release of phosphate from CIRP. The mechanism of solubilization was related to pH decrease in broth medium. In general, majority of phosphate solubilizing actinomycetes revealed superior ability to solubilize CIRP.
Key words: rock phosphate; solubilizing phosphate; Streptomyces spp;
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