Effects of erythropoietin in improving function of spinal cord injury
Introduction: Acute Spinal Cord Injury (ASCI) is one of the most common and important disorders in the field of neurosurgery. Progress achieved in relation to the care provided to repair spinal cord injuries have been taken from ancient times to the present day. Recently Neuroprotective therapies have attracted a lot of staff to approach the patient. Research scientists have shown that there is a possibility of recovery after spinal cord injury. Many pharmacological agents, Erythropoietin, in this field are used to reduce secondary damage after the primary insult and try to preserve nerve tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Erythropoietin on sensory and motor status of patients with acute spinal cord injury. Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial, 60 patients with acute spinal cord injury in the Frankel classification, the category A to C, and the selection of matched Frankel class into two groups A and B (each group consisted of 30 patients) was done. Group A underwent conventional treatment received methylprednisolone, were used erythropoietin and were compared after 4days,6-months intervals in terms of complete and incomplete cord injury status with group B (that underwent only conventional treatment such as methylprednisolone). Results: In our study of two groups there were 16 patients with complete spinal cord injury and 44 patients were had incomplete SCI. In the period of 4 days after the onset of the study, patients with complete SCI in case and control group did not recover. In Patients with incomplete spinal cord injury in case group 13 of 21 patients (62%) and 2 of 23 patients (9%) in the control group were cured. In the period of 6 months after the study, 2 of 8 patients (25%) in case group with complete cord had recovery. In the control group of patients with complete spinal cord injury didn't have any recovery. Also in incomplete SCI 12 of 19 patients (63%) in case group and 5 of 21 patients (23%) in the control group were cured. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained improvement in muscle strength and sensory classified according to Frankel in patients receiving erythropoietin in period between 4 days and 6 months can be seen that the difference significant with the control group (P<0.0001). So Frankel class B, C to C- D- E Frankel grade was reached after recovery.
Keywords: Acute spinal cord injury; Classification Frankel; Erythropoietin; Methylprednisolone
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