On the Mistranslation of Daraba in the Holy Quran
Improper, or literal translations of the Quran may be one of the reasons behind misinterpretations of this sacred text. This paper deals with translations of one of the most controversial verses in the Quran, one that has brought about a great deal of misunderstanding about Islam and the status of women in this religion. It is verse 34 of Surah Annissae (the surah of Women). In this verse, according to many translators, God ordered men to beat their wives. In this paper, I will try to show that beat, hit or strike are just some of a hord of meanings that the root drb (from which the verb daraba is derived) has, and that it is not necessarily this meaning that the Holy Quran intends to convey in this surah.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.8n.1p.176
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