Explore for More: Enhancing Students’ Literacy through a School-Family-University Partnership

Megan Parker Peters, Jeanne Gilliam Fain, Sarah Duncan


Many educator preparation programs desire to partner with P-12 and community groups. The authors showcase the development of a P-12 School-University-Family partnership. Partnership goals included literacy growth and interest among linguistically and culturally diverse P-12 learners while also providing a sustainable training ground for current and future educators. Instead of decreasing students’ literacy skills over the summer months, elementary students (n=40) experienced growth in both reading skills and enjoyment (p < 0.05) after participating in the discussed summer literacy program. Beyond student benefits, it should be remembered that both educator preparation programs (EPPs) and P-12 schools have much to offer each other and benefit reciprocally when they work together; methods for forming and sustaining a productive partnership are discussed. Recommendations for sustainability and future plans are discussed.


Partnerships, Educator Preparation Programs, Teacher Education, Literacy Education

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.6n.3p.9


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